Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Plans Change

    Our plans for our lives are not always God's plans for our lives. Sometimes God has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves. When we pray and seek His face, He will reveal His plans to us. It will be in His time, in His way and according to His will. Sometimes we think God isn't listening and doesn't hear our prayers. This simply is a lie from Satan! 
     If Satan can keep us in a place of defeat, depression, and fear, He has us where He wants us! Out of the will of God! What a dangerous place to be! If we remain in this place, we will remain trapped, full of fear, depressed and unhappy. We will continue on a path leading away from the grace of God and as a result, forfeit His Blessing on our lives. 
     On the other hand, if we believe God, obey His word and trust in His promises, we will continue to receive His Blessings. We will reap the benefits of obedience. We will experience His peace, love and strength in our lives. Then our lives will do what they were created to do, to praise God and to bring Him glory! Have a Blessed Day! 


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

One of Those Times

     The last few weeks have been very difficult for the most part. Someone in our household has been sick every time I turn around, it seems! I already suffer from seasonal depression after the holidays, but with sickness and all the rain we've been getting over the last few weeks has made it very difficult! Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the rain because I know we need it, I just wish it didn't all come all at once and it would really be nice if some of it came at night! Today, it did not rain, but my 9 year old son got sick. My 7 year old daughter ran a fever last weekend. I'm hoping it was just that he are his pizza too quick, as little boys often do. He was really hungry and also just loves pizza! :0)
     Anyway, this past week, the schools were out on Winter Break and while we do not take a Winter Break, I lightened the load for my kids. We had planned to go to our family's place in the mountains weekend before last and camping last weekend but it did not work out thanks to vehicles breaking down and mounting dental bills. Anyway, I was so excited that tomorrow was co op day and that I was getting out to enjoy some adult chat time and the kiddos were excited about their classes and seeing friends. Hopefully, it was the pizza and we can go to co op, but if not we will be stuck in for yet another day. I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass" and that "there is a light at the end of the tunnel", but it seems when I think I see a flicker, it suddenly disappears! :0( So, for now, I will just keep plugging along and reminding myself of the fact that God knows my needs, hears my pleas and has a plan. Even if  I don't clearly see His plan, if I trust and obey, He will honor my efforts.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Opportunities

Isn't it funny how life seems to take a sudden turn just as you think things are going downhill at an alarmingly fast speed? The past weeks have been like a roller coaster! Really the past three years! :0) I finally mustered up the courage to lead a Bible Study. The Bible Study is based on Lysa Terkeurst's book Unglued! It is a really great book about learning how to control your emotions when life happens and you find yourself coming unglued! I encourage everyone to read the book. It has really helped me in my walk with Christ! Did I mention I'm Irish? ;0) I blame it on being Irish, but in all seriousness, it is my lack of self control where my tongue and my temper are concerned. I'm really excited to see God working in and through this Bible Study to bring the girls in my group and I closer together as we grow closer to Christ.
Another door that God has opened for me is that I have started to collect Blessing Bags for a local ministry that reaches out to the homeless and hurting in our community. Blessing Bags are Gallon Ziploc Bags which contain trial size shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, a toothbrush, body wash, tissues, a snack, a water bottle among other needs they may have. We are also collecting canned goods, rice, beans, pasta, and other products as well for the ministry. I must admit, i was kinda disappointed at first because it seemed as if my efforts were in vein, but when I totally gave it to God and left it at His feet, he started to bless my efforts! At first, we had not collected very many bags and Satan had me feeling defeated. but on the last day, we had collected 25 Blessing Bags! Its kinda humorous when I look back on the situation because here I was going to attempt to run up and down the streets of my hometown as well as the big ole city of Atl. tracking down every person in need of a Blessing Bag! Yep! That was my plan! Well, God changed my plan and revealed HIS plan, which to tell you the truth was much bigger and better than I could have imagined! :0) I am very excited about what God is doing already through this ministry! I know He has BIG plans! I want to leave you with one of my all time favorite verses: For I know the plans I have for you declares The Lord. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. May God Bless! :0)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blessings in the midst of chaos

     I am the proud mom of a seventeen year old boy, 13 year old girl, 9 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. I have had a dream of being a full time stay at home mom since I was a little girl. I'm living that dream. Is it easy? No. Is it always fun and games? No. Am I perfect at it? Of course not! In fact, just ask my four blessings on any given day, and I'm quite confident that you will be given a laundry list of things that I have failed miserably at! ;0) I'm sorta kidding, but not really. If you were to ask them  they will most likely tell you that I quite frequently lose my temper, and quite often find myself yelling and screaming in order to get their attention. I have slowly learned through God's love and grace with me, that I am to show my kiddos that same love and grace even when, like me, they don't deserve it. Sometimes in the midst of all our chaos, running from karate, to baseball, to football, to dance, to co op and everywhere in between, we lose sight of what is important in life and forget to count our blessings. That's me right now. 
     You see, as a homeschool mom, there is always someone who has somewhere they need to be or something they need to do. Until last year, it was all on my shoulders! I was overwhelmed, exhausted and headed down a path that was not leading me in the direction God meant for me! My hubby worked long hours with about a 45 min commute. Something had to give! 
     Last year, God blessed our family with a route that we had been praying for. When we took the route, we were aware that it would be a pay cut, but were willing to sacrifice for the good of the family and more family time. We knew in our hearts that it was God's will for us. 
     The months that followed were really exciting until reality set in and that pay cut started really making an impact. To make a long story short, dental and vehicle repair bills have started mounting. Are we worried? No. Concerned, yes, but not worried. We have seen God turn so many of our chaotic moments into moments of blessing. I am slowly learning that if I take the focus off my circumstances, put them on Jesus and people who are truly struggling, Jesus turns my chaos into blessings. I may not see it as a blessing in that moment, but God is at work in every detail of my life to make something beautiful out of the mess I have made, if I will get out of the way! As I close, I'd like to remind us of the verse "Blessed is the one who trusts in the  Lord , whose confidence is in Him."(Jeremiah 17:7 NIV) Be Blessed! 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome to Becca's Blog

Hey guys!
     Just wanted to say a quick hello and welcome you to my blog. I'm excited about some things God is doing in and through my life and excited to share some of it with you. This is my first attempt at blogging. It will take me a little while to figure things out, but hopefully I will catch on quickly! I am the homeschooling mom of four amazing kids and feel very blessed that God allowed me the privilege of having them call me Mom! I am the wife of an amazing man who started off as my highschool sweetheart and best friend 25 years ago. Then 20 years ago became my husband. He is the love of my life! I'm very thankful that God blessed me with such a wonderful man to do life with! I hope you will check in often and enjoy seeing what God is up to in my life and the life of my family! I look forward to sharing pictures, recipes, meal plans, homeschooling stuff, Bible verses and inspirational quotes. Thanks for stopping by! God Bless!